Sonia has been suffering from a severe skin problem, causing her pimples, itchy rashes and a burning sensation. Desperately for help in the form of products,she did a thorough research online but no luck as such. There were way too many products to choose from, yet none of the products gained her confidence. One fine day while surfing the internet, she came across a video that was the possible remedy to her skin problems. She watched the entire video with utmost intrigue and ordered the product immediately. So what influenced her so strongly that wasn’t there earlier in the older videos? The answer is connection. She could relate herself better with a visual medium that feels much more real- consciously and subconsciously-when compared to textual ads. And the fact is that it happens with all of us because the human psyche is such that our brains grasp visual structures and images way efficiently than texts. This is the very reason that Vlogging or Video blogging has become...